Human rights should be able to be practiced and given to everyone. Unfortunately, in Cambodia the government thinks otherwise. The government still denies human rights to some of the population. During certain periods of times being a certain ethnicity or being just male or female were just a few of the reasons why rights were denied to them.
Knowing this about one of the few countries in the world, you know that it is also common in other places that people are not given the rights that they should have even if it is the law.
This reminds me of an issue in Pakistan having to do with the rights of Women. In Pakistani culture a women can be brutally exicuted for just showing her face in public. This is taking away her right to live a normal and healthy life. In America these thing don't happen because generally people grow up on the ten comandment system. Pakistani culture and religion are much different, they don't value human life like Americans do. They only see a women for producing babies, that's all she is good for and nothing else besides work around the house. The Pakistani religion should take a step back and look at human women not just for a womb and eggs but as a life that should he treated equally and not misused. So all in all human rights for women in Pakistan is like human rights in Cambodia, trying to make people live a better and more enjoyable life.
ReplyDeleteThis topic reminds me of the topic of mandatory military servicei n South Korea because even though these men have rights, they automatically lose them when they turn 18 because they are forced to join the military. But unlike your topic, mine goes under just men's rights when they reach that certain age and yours involves all humans. Eventually though, this law will be a shortened term if not going away completely.